Mat-Aberdeen 2010-11 budget may include janitorial cuts

Mat-Aberdeen 2010-11 budget passes amid controversy.


Mat-Aberdeen 2010-11 budget passes amid controversy

Teachers union argues for higher tax levy to save jobs

The Matawan-Aberdeen Board of Education passed the 2010-11 budget despite opposition from the local teachers union during a raucous five-hour hearing on March 22.


The large turnout of residents, parents, teachers and members of the Matawan Regional Teachers Association for the Matawan-Aberdeen Regional Board of Education’s public budget hearing on March 22 made it necessary to move the meeting. PHOTO COURTESY EVAN NICHOLS The large turnout of residents, parents, teachers and members of the Matawan Regional Teachers Association for the Matawan-Aberdeen Regional Board of Education’s public budget hearing on March 22 made it necessary to move the meeting. PHOTO COURTESY EVAN NICHOLS Faced with state aid cuts and a budget deficit, the district is cutting $6.2 million in personnel and programs, eliminating more than 80 employees, including 20 teachers, 36 janitors, seven homeroom teachers, two administrators, three child study team members, nine secretaries, librarians at the middle and high schools, four coaches, one business office employee, one maintenance person and five lunch aides — a 13 percent reduction of employees.

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